What We Sell
We offer a variety of high-quality, home-bred tropical freshwater fish, snails and amphibians. Purchase in-store or meet us at a local fish swap!
Below is just a small preview of what we offer. There is much more to see in person!
From Red-Bellied Piranhas, to Stingrays, Gar, Koi and smaller aquarium fish such as Fancy Guppies, Mollies, Swordtails, Platies, Rainbow Sharks, Upside Down Catfish, Goldfish, Angelfish and a large variety of other Cichlids. We also carry a wide selection of Plecostomus (Plecos or suckerfish).
Mystery Snails, Ramshorn Snails, Assassin Snails, Feeder Bladder Snails and many more.
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Contact Us
7828 26th Ave,
Watkins, IA 52354
Dorothy - (641) 295-5781
Bill - (319) 929-7938
Opening Hours
Fridays & Saturdays 10AM - 6PM
Or contact us to schedule an appointment!